Annual Year End Report 2013
Living Water World Missions (LWWM), founded in the summer of 2012, is a 501(c)(3) corporation made up of representatives from five Visalia/Tulare area churches: Visalia First Presbyterian, Gateway, EV Free, Visalia 1st Assembly of God, and Tulare Congregational; LWWM exists to share the love of the Lord Jesus Christ in the context of installing clean water filtration systems around the world. A 9-member Board of Directors oversees LWWM with elected officers, established By-Laws and Board Policies.
All Board Members have taken part in training enabling them to:
The Bible asks us, “If anyone has this world’s goods, the resources for sustaining life, and sees his brother and fellow believer in need, yet closes his heart of compassion against him, how can the love of God live and remain in him? “ It then instructs us, “Let us not love merely in theory or in speech but in deed and in truth, in practice and in sincerity.” (1 John 3; 17-18, Amplified Bible)
While our main focus of installation has been in the Central American country of Guatemala, we have installed systems in other nations in the world including in Haiti, Ecuador, Colombia, and Cuba. We are committed to go where God leads us, and including on trips persons who wish to participate in this ministry with us.
All Board Members have taken part in training enabling them to:
- Construct a clean water system using filters and ozone and/or;
- Plan installation activities in the world and/or;
- Train others about germs, personal hygiene, and the use of clean water.
The Bible asks us, “If anyone has this world’s goods, the resources for sustaining life, and sees his brother and fellow believer in need, yet closes his heart of compassion against him, how can the love of God live and remain in him? “ It then instructs us, “Let us not love merely in theory or in speech but in deed and in truth, in practice and in sincerity.” (1 John 3; 17-18, Amplified Bible)
While our main focus of installation has been in the Central American country of Guatemala, we have installed systems in other nations in the world including in Haiti, Ecuador, Colombia, and Cuba. We are committed to go where God leads us, and including on trips persons who wish to participate in this ministry with us.
The year 2013 was a great year for Living Water World Missions.
As an organization we actually jumped the gun a bit by doing a double installation in December 2012, in Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala. One Clean Water Filter System (#11 in Guatemala) was installed at Iglesia Evangelica Alfa y Omega, while at the same time a second Clean Water Filter System (#12 in Guatemala) was installed their children’s school, Colegio Alfa y Omega across town. Those two systems serve a population of over 2000 persons.
The December trip had 20 Team Members, including representatives from Visalia First Presbyterian, Visalia Gateway, Visalia EV Free, Visalia First Assembly of God, and the Tulare Congregational Church.
In January 2013 we installed a Clean Water Filter System (#13 in Guatemala) at the Eagle’s Nest Orphanage in Solola, Guatemala. The Orphanage is the permanent home for 100 children, most of whom will never be adopted, and some of whom are severely disabled. On that trip we had 12 Team Members who came from both Visalia First Presbyterian and Northminister Presbyterian Church in Bakersfield CA. to work on the installation.
In February we installed a Clean Water Filter System (#14 in Guatemala) at Iglesia El Shaddai in Chiquimulilla, Guatemala. On that trip we had 11 Team Members drawn from Visalia First Presbyterian, Visalia Gateway, Visalia EV Free, and the Tulare Congregational Church. The Church in Chiquimulilla operates a food distribution program for poor people, giving away hundreds of prepackaged meals each week. The water will also be given away to those who need it.
In March two Board Members spent a week in Guatemala following up on systems previously installed, and completing a number of surveys to identify sites for future installations.
In April we returned to Guatemala and installed a Clean Water Filter System (#15 in Guatemala) at Iglesia Rios de Agua Viva in Santa Catarina Bobadilla. On that trip we had 11 Team members who were drawn from Visalia First Presbyterian, and Sierra Vista Presbyterian Church in Oakhurst. This trip was a “family” trip and included two children, ages 9 and 7, who were on their second clean water installation mission trip with LWWM. This was a smaller church in a working class community, but it has an active ministry to “street children” who were invited to come to the community education classes that were held as a part of the installation process. During those classes we had the very good fortune to witness several children come to the Lord as a result of the sharing of the Word in those classes.
In May we assisted First Presbyterian Church of Stockton CA in installing a Clean Water Filter System at Iglesia Cristo Viene in El Tres, Colombia. This site was selected because they operate a Compassion International afterschool/feeding program at the church each day that benefits approximately 150 children, all of whom are under 12 years old. This was the very first system ever installed in Colombia, and the first time we had partnered with First Presbyterian Church in Stockton to help them with an installation project.
In June we sent a group from Visalia to help set up the Living Waters for the World, Clean Water Training Program (Also known as Clean Water U) which is held the second week of June at Calvin Crest Camp in Oakhurst CA. each year. Our “Team” worked for three days to prepare for the arrival of 67 students from all over the United States, who came to Calvin Crest be trained in how replicate this Clean Water ministry in their home churches.
In July we installed a Clean Water Filter system (#16 in Guatemala) at Colegio Bethel in San Pedro La Laguna, Guatemala. This installation had came about as a result of a “chance” meeting with the school’s director, Pamela Chevalier, while we were on our December trip. Pamela asked if we could visit the school and see if it was an appropriate site for a water system. We surveyed the site during the December trip, and paid a follow-up visit during the January trip. The school had been founded as a Compassion International School, and was indeed appropriate for an installation. It serves approximately 300 + children, grades 1 through 12, and is the sole “Christian” school in all of San Pedro La Laguna.
The July Team was our largest ever, with 24 Team Members, including our two youngest members ever who were just 2 and 4 years old. The Team Members came from Visalia First Presbyterian, Visalia EV Free, Visalia First Assembly of God, Lemoore First Presbyterian and Northminister Presbyterian in Bakersfield CA.
In August two of our Board members went to Port Au Prince, Haiti, and spent several days there, visiting and providing maintenance for a system we had installed there at the Lathan Mission/Angels of Christ Orphanage last year.
Also, in August we installed a Clean Water Filter system (#17 in Guatemala) at Iglesia Emmanuel in San Pedro La Laguna, Guatemala. This was the third system installed in the community of San Pedro La Laguna by LWWM. The group had 12 Team Members who came from Visalia First Presbyterian, and the Tulare Congregational Church as well as a Team Member who joined us from Southminister Presbyterian Church in Springfield MO.
In September we installed a Clean Water Filter system (#18 in Guatemala) at Iglesia Bethesda in Tecpan, Guatemala. This was the second site in Guatemala we worked at that had a connection to Compassion International. The Compassion Program at the church provides afterschool tutoring, and supplemental meals for approximately 200 + poor children in the community, and a nutrition program for expectant and nursing mothers. The Clean water produced by the water system will be used in the Compassion Program, and at the school, with over 300 students, operated by the church. The September group had 15 Team Members who came from Visalia First Presbyterian, Visalia Gateway, Visalia EV Free, First Presbyterian Monterey, First Presbyterian Stockton, and First Presbyterian Kennewick WA.
In November we assisted Clear Lake Presbyterian Church in Houston Texas install two Clean Water Filter systems in Cuba. One was at the Special School for the Blind (A State Facility) in Havana and the other was at the Soldiers of the Cross Seminary.
All together we were able to install a total of 11 Clean Water Systems in 3 different countries. 8 in Guatemala, 1 in Colombia, and 2 in Cuba, as well as make needed return visits to systems and proposed sites in Haiti and Guatemala. Our Guatemala Teams totaled 105 persons in number and included people from 12 different churches in 3 different states. The youngest was 2 years old, and the oldest was 77 years old, proving that age is not a handicap.
Looking forward to 2014;
In March three Board Members will spend a week in Guatemala following up on systems previously installed, and completing a number of surveys to identify sites for future installations.
In April, over “Spring Break” we will be installing 2 Clean Water Filter Systems at two different sites in Ensenada, Mexico, both in partnership with Tulare First Baptist Church, Tulare Community Church, Visalia First Presbyterian, Visalia Gateway, and Radiant Church in Visalia. We are expecting approximately 120/150 persons to be involved in the project
In June, we will again send a group from Visalia to help set up the Living Waters for the World, Clean Water Training Program (Also known as Clean Water U) which is held the second week of June at Calvin Crest in Oakhurst CA. each year. Our “Team” will again be preparing for the arrival of students from all over the United States, who will come to be trained in how replicate our Clean Water Ministry in their home churches.
Also in June, we will be installing a Clean Water Filter System at the Vida Abudante Church in Tijuana, Mexico, in partnership with Visalia First Assembly of God.
And, we will be returning to Guatemala to partner with Compassion International to install at least three more Clean Water Filter Systems in churches where they operate feeding programs.
The sites selected are:
We have set a goal of completing at least 8 installations in 2014, and with your help, that goal can be achieved.
What we need from you are these things to accomplish the mission to which we have been called by God.
The December trip had 20 Team Members, including representatives from Visalia First Presbyterian, Visalia Gateway, Visalia EV Free, Visalia First Assembly of God, and the Tulare Congregational Church.
In January 2013 we installed a Clean Water Filter System (#13 in Guatemala) at the Eagle’s Nest Orphanage in Solola, Guatemala. The Orphanage is the permanent home for 100 children, most of whom will never be adopted, and some of whom are severely disabled. On that trip we had 12 Team Members who came from both Visalia First Presbyterian and Northminister Presbyterian Church in Bakersfield CA. to work on the installation.
In February we installed a Clean Water Filter System (#14 in Guatemala) at Iglesia El Shaddai in Chiquimulilla, Guatemala. On that trip we had 11 Team Members drawn from Visalia First Presbyterian, Visalia Gateway, Visalia EV Free, and the Tulare Congregational Church. The Church in Chiquimulilla operates a food distribution program for poor people, giving away hundreds of prepackaged meals each week. The water will also be given away to those who need it.
In March two Board Members spent a week in Guatemala following up on systems previously installed, and completing a number of surveys to identify sites for future installations.
In April we returned to Guatemala and installed a Clean Water Filter System (#15 in Guatemala) at Iglesia Rios de Agua Viva in Santa Catarina Bobadilla. On that trip we had 11 Team members who were drawn from Visalia First Presbyterian, and Sierra Vista Presbyterian Church in Oakhurst. This trip was a “family” trip and included two children, ages 9 and 7, who were on their second clean water installation mission trip with LWWM. This was a smaller church in a working class community, but it has an active ministry to “street children” who were invited to come to the community education classes that were held as a part of the installation process. During those classes we had the very good fortune to witness several children come to the Lord as a result of the sharing of the Word in those classes.
In May we assisted First Presbyterian Church of Stockton CA in installing a Clean Water Filter System at Iglesia Cristo Viene in El Tres, Colombia. This site was selected because they operate a Compassion International afterschool/feeding program at the church each day that benefits approximately 150 children, all of whom are under 12 years old. This was the very first system ever installed in Colombia, and the first time we had partnered with First Presbyterian Church in Stockton to help them with an installation project.
In June we sent a group from Visalia to help set up the Living Waters for the World, Clean Water Training Program (Also known as Clean Water U) which is held the second week of June at Calvin Crest Camp in Oakhurst CA. each year. Our “Team” worked for three days to prepare for the arrival of 67 students from all over the United States, who came to Calvin Crest be trained in how replicate this Clean Water ministry in their home churches.
In July we installed a Clean Water Filter system (#16 in Guatemala) at Colegio Bethel in San Pedro La Laguna, Guatemala. This installation had came about as a result of a “chance” meeting with the school’s director, Pamela Chevalier, while we were on our December trip. Pamela asked if we could visit the school and see if it was an appropriate site for a water system. We surveyed the site during the December trip, and paid a follow-up visit during the January trip. The school had been founded as a Compassion International School, and was indeed appropriate for an installation. It serves approximately 300 + children, grades 1 through 12, and is the sole “Christian” school in all of San Pedro La Laguna.
The July Team was our largest ever, with 24 Team Members, including our two youngest members ever who were just 2 and 4 years old. The Team Members came from Visalia First Presbyterian, Visalia EV Free, Visalia First Assembly of God, Lemoore First Presbyterian and Northminister Presbyterian in Bakersfield CA.
In August two of our Board members went to Port Au Prince, Haiti, and spent several days there, visiting and providing maintenance for a system we had installed there at the Lathan Mission/Angels of Christ Orphanage last year.
Also, in August we installed a Clean Water Filter system (#17 in Guatemala) at Iglesia Emmanuel in San Pedro La Laguna, Guatemala. This was the third system installed in the community of San Pedro La Laguna by LWWM. The group had 12 Team Members who came from Visalia First Presbyterian, and the Tulare Congregational Church as well as a Team Member who joined us from Southminister Presbyterian Church in Springfield MO.
In September we installed a Clean Water Filter system (#18 in Guatemala) at Iglesia Bethesda in Tecpan, Guatemala. This was the second site in Guatemala we worked at that had a connection to Compassion International. The Compassion Program at the church provides afterschool tutoring, and supplemental meals for approximately 200 + poor children in the community, and a nutrition program for expectant and nursing mothers. The Clean water produced by the water system will be used in the Compassion Program, and at the school, with over 300 students, operated by the church. The September group had 15 Team Members who came from Visalia First Presbyterian, Visalia Gateway, Visalia EV Free, First Presbyterian Monterey, First Presbyterian Stockton, and First Presbyterian Kennewick WA.
In November we assisted Clear Lake Presbyterian Church in Houston Texas install two Clean Water Filter systems in Cuba. One was at the Special School for the Blind (A State Facility) in Havana and the other was at the Soldiers of the Cross Seminary.
All together we were able to install a total of 11 Clean Water Systems in 3 different countries. 8 in Guatemala, 1 in Colombia, and 2 in Cuba, as well as make needed return visits to systems and proposed sites in Haiti and Guatemala. Our Guatemala Teams totaled 105 persons in number and included people from 12 different churches in 3 different states. The youngest was 2 years old, and the oldest was 77 years old, proving that age is not a handicap.
Looking forward to 2014;
In March three Board Members will spend a week in Guatemala following up on systems previously installed, and completing a number of surveys to identify sites for future installations.
In April, over “Spring Break” we will be installing 2 Clean Water Filter Systems at two different sites in Ensenada, Mexico, both in partnership with Tulare First Baptist Church, Tulare Community Church, Visalia First Presbyterian, Visalia Gateway, and Radiant Church in Visalia. We are expecting approximately 120/150 persons to be involved in the project
In June, we will again send a group from Visalia to help set up the Living Waters for the World, Clean Water Training Program (Also known as Clean Water U) which is held the second week of June at Calvin Crest in Oakhurst CA. each year. Our “Team” will again be preparing for the arrival of students from all over the United States, who will come to be trained in how replicate our Clean Water Ministry in their home churches.
Also in June, we will be installing a Clean Water Filter System at the Vida Abudante Church in Tijuana, Mexico, in partnership with Visalia First Assembly of God.
And, we will be returning to Guatemala to partner with Compassion International to install at least three more Clean Water Filter Systems in churches where they operate feeding programs.
The sites selected are:
- Casa del Alfarero Church in San Francisco Zapotitlan
- Iglesia de Dios in Pajapita San Marcos
- La Hermosa Church in Huhuetenango
We have set a goal of completing at least 8 installations in 2014, and with your help, that goal can be achieved.
What we need from you are these things to accomplish the mission to which we have been called by God.
- We need people willing to support us in prayer. We believe that, who we are, and what we plan to do is the result of God’s goodness, and we will not take that for granted.
- We need people willing to go on installation trips with us. The approximate cost of each trip is $1,200.00, which includes airfare, lodging, food, and in-country transportation. These costs are borne by the participant. There are no particular skills needed to participate on a trip except a willing and service-oriented heart, and the ability to follow simple directions.
- We need your financial support. The systems we install cost approximately $3000.00 each, for not only the Filter System itself, but also the Community Education Materials, which are used to share the Gospel Message in the communities where the systems are installed. To be able to complete 8 installations this year we will need to raise $24,000.00.
- We need community support in helping us advertise and promote this mission. Our community is rich with human resources and we need and desire their support.
- Over one billion people in the world do not have access to clean water, which is a number equivalent to over 3 times the population of the United States of America.
- And, every year, nearly 3 ½ million people die of preventable water related diseases including 27,000 children under the age of 5 who die EACH WEEK of such diseases.
Thank you for all that you have done,
are doing, and will do,
to make this ministry possible.
are doing, and will do,
to make this ministry possible.
Mark Vanciel
Living Water World Missions
January 2014
Living Water World Missions
January 2014